jQuery Enhanced Switch Control

A powerful, easy-to-use jQuery Switch Control

jQuery Enhanced Switch Control is a plugin created for the jQuery Javascript library that allows you to create custom switch controls that are easy-to-use and themeable. It separates each individual theme into its own CSS file. The controls can be modified by the user or through Javascript code.

Getting Started

Downloading the library

Download the library from Github above by clicking on the Download ZIP button.

Referencing the different files

The Javascript File

You will need to reference the Javascript file called jquery.enhanced-switch.js using a HTML <script> tag as shown below:

<script src="{SCRIPTS DIRECTORY}/jquery.enhanced-switch.js"></script>

SCRIPTS DIRECTORY is the file path to the script files.

The CSS File

There are several CSS files included with the library. These files are sample themes that you can use in your website or web app as well as to create your own themes. Include only ONE CSS file in your HTML file using the <link> tag as shown below:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.enhanced-switch-{THEME NAME}.css"/>

THEME NAME is the name of the theme you want to use (e.g. apple, circle, metro etc).


You can view examples online that use all the different themes packaged with the plugin:

These examples are also packaged with the plugin in the download.


jQuery Enhanced Switch Control contains several functions that allow you to control the switch control. All the functions can be accessed using the following syntax:

$(selectorString).enhancedSwitch('{FUNCTION NAME}');

FUNCTION NAME is the name of the function you would like to execute. A list of all the functions with a description of what they do can be found below:


The init function is used to initialise an empty <div> or multiple <div>'s. The <div>/s need to be empty in order for the plugin to work properly. The function can be accessed by either calling .enhancedSwitch() or by calling .enhancedSwitch("init").



<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="switch"></div>


$(function() {
    // OR (only choose one)


The toggle function allows you to toggle the state (i.e. its checked state). Simply call it on an Enhanced Switch object that has been initialised. An example of how this function can be used can be found below:




The state function returns the checked state of the Enhanced Switch object as a boolean. If the switch is on, it returns true. If the switch is off, it returns false. An example can be found below:


var state = $(".switch").enhancedSwitch("state");
// state will either contain TRUE if the switch is on, or FALSE if the switch is off


This function sets the state of the Enhanced Switch/es to a value of true. An example demonstrates its usage:




This function sets the state of the Enhanced Switch/es to a value of false. An example is found below:




You can email any queries or suggestions to enhanced.switch@gmail.com.


This work is licence under the General Public License v2.0: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html